5 Money Tips to Help Your Side Hustle Succeed
1. Maintain three to six months of savings in your account. “As a contractor or part-time worker, your income will tend to ebb and flow,” Gugliuzza says. “Having an emergency fund with enough savings to cover three to six months’ worth of your critical expenses can help ensure you can pay your bills, even during times of low employment.” Figure out what this necessary dollar amount is and make sure your bank account is ready to go before you take the full leap into the gig economy. 2. Keep a handle on your debts. As part of the gig economy, you’re still responsible for paying taxes on what you earn, and bad news: You don’t have an in-house HR or accounting department to make that happen for you. “If you’re doing contract work and don’t want taxes withheld from your pay, you’ll need to make quarterly estimated state and federal tax payments,” Gugliuzza says. You’ll save yourself a lot of stress comes tax time if you are careful to put away a portion of each payment you receive ...